Hi all :)

I am coding new buddypress badge now, after seeing it on wordpress idea forum.


user can create badge for add in other website or blog to link back to their buddypress profile.

user can select to add own image (from bp) and xprofile data into badge

admin can upload own badge logo for user badge.


have to enable GD Lubrary


create badge tab and fetch xprofile from buddypress.

test to create badge image using GD libray.

this is badge look like after create (you can upload your logo to replace facebook logo)


create badge by fetch xprofile done but have problem with asian language (thai).
no problem in english language.


create badge horizontal (still have asian language problem)

updated - user screen done


buddypress badge done!!!

you can download for testing here download

installation :
upload and activate
change logo in /image/logo.png

== found some bug, if anyone found any please let me know ==


== first version done ==

http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/buddypress-badge/ (not upload yet)

or temporary host


  1. warut // 12 เมษายน 2553 เวลา 09:56  

    If you have any suggestion please a comment.

  2. Andrea // 13 เมษายน 2553 เวลา 16:16  

    release it soon!!!"

  3. warut // 17 เมษายน 2553 เวลา 08:16  

    fix plugin according to recommend done!

    - can chose SIMPLE badge
    - can Make the xprofile field names strong and select color
    - move from main nav to subnav in profile
    - fix bug profile image to use jpg png or gif

    upload to wp reposiory if upload request was approved

  4. daniele // 20 เมษายน 2553 เวลา 11:29  

    Hi, have you made localization of plugin?
    I can translate it in italian.
    Is there a pot file?

  5. warut // 20 เมษายน 2553 เวลา 11:42  

    next update, first release for test and find any bug it have :)

  6. Sakthi // 21 เมษายน 2553 เวลา 01:22  

    How can i change the default Badge Title

  7. warut // 21 เมษายน 2553 เวลา 01:54  


    do you mean word "Badge Generator"
    "buddypress badge" in badge image

  8. warut // 21 เมษายน 2553 เวลา 19:10  

    child theme bug fix!!

    the problem is it cant find home.php in child theme so using locate_template() to find template in parent theme is fix this.

    here the code:

    replace line 93-98 from bp-badge-core.php
    locate_template( $templates, true );

    i will update this in next version soon.

  9. warut // 22 เมษายน 2553 เวลา 00:56  

    I will upload version 1.1 today.

    =change log=

    1. fix child theme bug
    2. fix layout not change if user cant chose layout
    3. add xprofile field exclude list
    4. language file

    anyone found others bug?

  10. josh // 22 เมษายน 2553 เวลา 14:12  

    The html field does not work with the bp tiny mce editor plugin.

  11. sakthi // 22 เมษายน 2553 เวลา 21:18  

    Hi Warut:

    Yes i would like to change the "buddypress badge" in badge image

  12. warut // 22 เมษายน 2553 เวลา 21:55  


    "buddypress badge" in badge image is logo

    you can upload your logo image replace /images/logo.png

    badge width will change to width of your logo image.

  13. warut // 22 เมษายน 2553 เวลา 21:57  


    you mean badge code text box have error when you use mce editor plugin?

    how about it?

  14. jpisano@jpisano.com // 12 มิถุนายน 2553 เวลา 20:52  

    Just checking in to see if you had a chance to look/update the code for the buddypress badge? Thanks.

  15. J. Pisano // 16 สิงหาคม 2553 เวลา 14:18  

    Warut.. have you given up development of this plugin?

  16. warut // 19 สิงหาคม 2553 เวลา 01:59  

    Pisano, I still update this plugin but so busy right now, However after reinstall plugin on WP 3.0 it show missing user avatar so i fix that error.

    how about result on your website?

  17. E // 22 พฤษภาคม 2555 เวลา 15:32  

    Hey Warut would love to see an option were the admin can specify where the badge points. My buddypress community is private so the badge can not lead to their profiles. Is there a way where i can change it to lead to just the homepage?

  18. Unknown // 19 กันยายน 2558 เวลา 02:42  

    Hello I am trying to update your plugin for several weeks please have an idea about the cause. Thank you in advance for your help

  19. Unknown // 19 กันยายน 2558 เวลา 02:42  

    Sorry for my english
